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Evaszucs's Shop

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I enjoy creating powerpoint games and printables for ESL students.




I enjoy creating powerpoint games and printables for ESL students.
Quiz on the UK -Extra Questions

Quiz on the UK -Extra Questions

This is the final part of my PPT series on British Culture. The whole set consists of 7 parts: General Questions, Famous People, Sports, London, Patron Saints, Traditions and Extra Questions. This is the seventh PPT which contains 20 extra questions on different topics. It is a Jeopardy type of game but in this PPT each question is worth 10 points. There are 3 multiple choices for the students to choose from. If they give the correct answer, they get 10 points. If they can guess the answer at the second attempt, they get 5 points. If they don't get it right, they won't get any points. If you download the other six parts you can add a hyperlink to the other PPTs. This PPT can be used as a Game show on British Culture.
Quiz on the UK - Traditions

Quiz on the UK - Traditions

British Culture Quiz Part 6 A Jeopardy type game about traditions in the United Kingdom. This is the sixth part of my Quiz on the UK series. 20 slides with multiple choice questions. Team game.
Quiz on the UK - Patron Saints

Quiz on the UK - Patron Saints

British Culture Quiz Part 4 A Jeopardy type game about Sports. This is the fourth part of my Quiz on the UK series. 20 slides with multiple choice questions. Team game.
Quiz on the UK - London

Quiz on the UK - London

British Culture Quiz Part 2 A Jeopardy type game about London. This is the second part of my Quiz on the UK series. 20 slides with multiple choice questions. Team game.
Quiz on the UK

Quiz on the UK

This is the first part of my PPT series on British Culture. The whole set consists of 7 parts: General Questions, Famous People, Sports, London, Patron Saints, Traditions and Extra Questions. This is the main PPT which contains the Topics and 20 General Questions. It is a Jeopardy type of game but in this PPT each question is worth 10 points. There are 3 multiple choices for the students to choose from. If they give the correct answer, they get 10 points. If they can guess the answer at the second attempt, they get 5 points. If they don't get it right, they won't get any points. If you download the other six parts you can add a hyperlink to the other PPTs. This PPT can be used as a Game show on British Culture.
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

There are 22 slides in this power point presentation. These slides show how we try to express our love to our mothers: what we give them and how we try to help them. You can use this PPT to start a conversation about this unique holiday. This PPT is dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died on 7th April 2014.
Christmas Activity Pack

Christmas Activity Pack

In this Christmas Activity Pack you can find the following games: - Matching - Memory - Complete the words - Multiple Choice Exercise - Crosswords - Anagrams - Bingo - Domino - Word Search - Colouring page
Christmas Activities_Advent Calendar

Christmas Activities_Advent Calendar

This Advent Calendar PPT can be used to help your students get into the Christmas spirit. Rules of the game: Click on the numbers in the Calendar. It will take you to a slide with a task on it. The instructions are given in the Notes and on the last slide. To return to slide 1, click on the number or the Action button. There are24 games or activities in this PPT, one for each day before Christmas. Memory Tic-tac-toe Board-game Crossword Hangman Picture Dictionary Song Quiz Hope you and your kids like it. Merry Christmas!
Christmas Memory Game

Christmas Memory Game

This game can be played individually or in teams. The two teams can be marked with colours. (Red and green) The object of the game is to collect the matching pairs. Choose one rectangle and click on it. You will see a picture or a word on your card. Then choose another rectangle and click on it. If the two cards are a matching pair, click on the circle and a circle of the same colour will appear on the card. If you play the game in teams, you can click on the circle on the card with words on it and the card turns into red. If you click on the circle again, it will change colour. If the cards are not a match, click on the cards again and they will be turned back over. Then two new cards can be chosen. The winner is the team which has more matching pairs.


This PPT is for ESL / EFL students. It teaches the most commonly used words about Thanksgiving. Students look at the pictures and choose the correct option. This PPT is dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died of leukaemia in 2014.
Easter Vocabulary

Easter Vocabulary

This is a PowerPoint Presentation about Easter, with words related to Easter and spring. Students have to look at the pictures and choose the correct option. Some of the words are about Easter symbols, and some words are related to religion. This PPT is dedicated to my beloved son, Tom who died on 7th April 2014.
Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

This PPT is for esl students.There are 24 slides in this Advent Calendar, one for each day before Christmas. Slides 1-7 show the most frequently used words about (secular) Christmas.The other slides contain games and tasks. You can copy the slides and give them to your students as worksheets. Dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died in 2014 at the age of 17.
New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve

PPT for esl students about New Year's Eve celebrations. Students have to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Festivals and celebrations: New Year vocabulary. This PPT is dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died on 7 April 2014 at the age of 17.
Halloween Vocabulary

Halloween Vocabulary

This PPT is for esl students. It contains vocabulary related to Halloween. Students have to look at the pictures and choose the correct word. This PPT is dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died on 7 April 2014 at the age of 17.
Autumn Memory Game

Autumn Memory Game

The object of the game is to collect the matching pairs. Choose one rectangle and click on it. You will see a picture or a word on your card. Then choose another rectangle and click on it. If the two cards are a matching pair, click on the circle and a circle of the same colour will appear on the card. If the cards are not a match, click on the cards again and they will be turned back over. Then two new cards can be chosen. Dedicated to my beloved son Tom, who died in 2014 at the age of 17.
Tic-tac-toe Hungary

Tic-tac-toe Hungary

A tic-tac-toe game on Hungary. Basic information on Hungary with some easy general questions concerning geography and culture. This tic-tac-toe game can be played by two teams or by two players. It can also be used with students who are studying English as a foreign language. Hope you will like it. Waiting for your comments.